
What is Self Mastery? - Part 4

Now, let's cover the last component of self-mastery, which is spiritual health. Sometimes, the discussion of spiritual health is considered "politically incorrect." This is a shame, because we want to live life to the fullest and cannot ignore our spiritual side.

It is also interesting how many people try to improve their spiritual health when they have a near death experience, are diagnosed as terminally ill, or hit "rock bottom." In each of these instances, we can suddenly connect with the concepts of a moral code, after life, God, or "putting things right."

Whatever your situation, take the time to reconnect to your inner self and seek spiritual guidance for the sake of your overall health, family, and relationships. It doesn't matter to me which religion you choose, as long as you feel, in your heart, that it is right for you. Religion should not be a dividing point for mankind, so stay away from intolerant fundamentalists.

Which brings up the act of forgiveness, which, in and of itself, is good for spiritual, mental, and physical health. Just by reconciling with our family, friends, and associates, we stop wasting energy and improve our overall health.

Practice random loving kindness with your fellow man. Help others and don't expect anything in return. Give to charity for the reason that it is right to help mankind.

Appreciate what you have and see it for its true worth. Your past accomplishments are to be enjoyed, and not to be put aside. When you help someone, get through a difficult situation that is also an accomplishment. You don't have to speak about what you accomplished, but knowing that you have taken the time to be kind is satisfaction, in itself.

See wealth for what it is. If your family and friends love you, that is a priceless treasure. You do not have to be rich in order to be happy. Most of the rich are less happy than you and I. Imagine having the recognition of people around you, for no other reason than money.

The last point to make, about material wealth, is that we are only temporary custodians of money. If possible, spend it wisely, help others, and leave something behind for the next generation. If you have no money to leave behind, at least, leave good thoughts.

Mindfulness allows us to peacefully live in the present moment and concern ourselves with the now. You will stop wasting time, feeling anguish about past shortcomings, as a result of mindfulness. You will also stop wasting your energy, by worrying about situations that may not happen in the future.

Most of what we worry about never happens, but the mind never stops creating negative thoughts, even when we sleep. Take the time to be mindful and listen to the world empathically. You will then know who, or what, you can help first.

Make peace with your inner self by learn to accept yourself "as is," and do not make it conditional. If you need to make improvements, to yourself, you are not alone. Take the time to enjoy each day, as if it was your last day on earth.

Set aside time to pray or meditate daily. This will enable you to open a spiritual connection with your God or the universe. Prayer is a form of meditation and meditation is a form of prayer. If you take the time to pray, you will be heard and don't be surprised, if you get help.

As a result of these physical, mental, and spiritual exercises you achieve self-mastery. Just don't forget to help others along the way. You don't have to be a "master of your own destiny" to help mankind.

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.



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